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UV Onbody printing - CASES


Bestandsmenge: 450


UV cured ink printing on Cassette CASES - Maximum of 150 - FOR LARGER ORDERS PLEASE EMAIL US FOR QUANTITY DISCOUNTS

This new listing, the amount of print you will need to add is the number of tapes you are having printing. So if you are having 100 cases, add 100 prints to the basket. 

Some information for artwork: 

 Please send any cassette artwork in the attached template with minimum of 300dpi/600dpi & using a CMYK colour scheme. eg. PANTONE colours aren't compatible.

If you use Adobe, please send the original layered: PSD (Photoshop Document) or AI (Adobe Illustrator). If not please save the file as a PDF or a JPEG (maximum quality).

Some cassette cases such as the black case require a white under base to make the required colour standout.

Any artwork that is wanted printing in white – please send as black artwork. Our software see’s white as blank so will not print anything that is white.

Please do not add backgrounds to your artwork unless you want it printed. 

Details of print types: 

Single colour print - Either colour ink or white ink. Colour ink includes CMYK ranges of colours. 

Double colour print - Either double white ink or a white + colour ink. - some shells will require a white underlayer if you want colour ink to show. 


Produkt-Code: CaseUVprinting


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