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Teac W1200 twin cassette copying duplication


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Información de producto

TEAC W1200 twin cassette recorder/player. Brand new boxed machines, with remote control and operating manual

Can record on both decks at the same time. Ideal for short run real time quality cassette duplication.

More than one of these decks can be used at the same time giving multiple copies to suit your needs and budget. You can expand with extra decks as demand grows.

Advice on real time cassette duplication is available without any charge

These decks are simply to operate, input your music/material source direct into the rear (stereo, 2 phono plugs, phono lead included) from your CD, p/c, or USB, load 2 blank cassettes and enter the pause/record to set up the levels, just one knob to turn sets both cassette record levels the same. There's even a single headphone socket to monitor and check both tapes if there's no speakers and amplifier handy.

Our price is similar (maybe a little cheaper actually) than the high street hi-fi stores, we are supplying these to customers to assist small labels and artists copy their own tapes when they require short runs. Maybe quantities of 5 to 50 copies would be a reasonable amount to expect although obviously a 10 minutes demo cassette is going to be produced far quicker than a 90 minute mix-tape and the more hours running the machine the more, potentially, could be produced. The savings after purchasing the custom wound blank cassettes to copy would be approximately between £1 and £2.50 per copy depending on the length. And of course you have control over when your own production could start and even change over work in between.

Please note, that although we recomend these decks for short run cassette duplication we would not advise, running them 24/7 continually non stop churning out the maximum possible cassettes, you could do but the machine would wear out, the heads would wear and the alignment would likely to drift as would the stability of the transport running gear and running speed, so in that situation they may not last more than a few months. 

We'd estimate that perhaps 50 or so cassettes copied per week, keep the heads clean and run in a reasonable room without any extreme hot or cold temperature changes then you could happily get several years usage before any maintenance. It could pay for itself in duplication charges within a couple of months

From time to time we like to stock a couple of these machines, if you are planning on buying several please ask as sometimes suppliers can be low on stock and it may take a while to re-stock


Código de producto: teacw1200

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