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TDK SA90 (used) Various model looks - see details


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Bestandsmenge: 1


1 x used and untested TDK SA 90 - this is the SA with Clear rectangle on picture

The legendary chrome TDK SA 90 C90 chrome high bias cassette tape.

Position II 2 High, the chrome notches are present in the shell as well as record tabs in place, just as they would be when purchased new.

Very good condition, a couple of these have some writing on the sleeve but most have the TDK sleeve un marked.. Record tabs still in place.

No labels

Recorded with sound ready to record over, bulk erase or play as it is, most of them are dance music mixes recorded from the radio and stored as a library, they don't look like they have ever been played since recorded onto.

Includes a standard TDK library case

Produkt-Code: SA90 USED


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