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PPE Visor shield


(Mengenrabatte verfügbar)

Bestandsmenge: 20


We are all having to adjust and stay safe these days so we have purchased a bulk stock of high quality head visors for our own use but can pass on our savings if our customers require a small amount. 

Adding to a basket of other items will not increase the shipping price to you.

Please do not confuse these with budget cheap visors on ebay for £2.50, these are very high quality and of sturdy construction. They compare well to visors priced in the region of £6 to £10.

One elastic strap which attaches to the headband. 1 x clear visor, supplied with a peel off protective layer on each side. Adjustable. Further clear visors are available as singles or packs if more are required. Ability to wear glasses, eat and drink whilst being worn. 

We have sourced these locally from Slik Holdings Ltd a well respected Manchester based company since 1936 and a company we have had association with for many years. The visors are produced to their specifications by their manufacturing partners Janger, another well respected company.

Produkt-Code: slikvisor


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