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loose tape part reel per 25g


(Descuentos por grandes cantidades)

Nivel de stock: 7

Información de producto

Loose cassette tape. Standard ferric, music grade.

This tape is completely loose and has no hub or spool, it is what would normally be thrown away but not anymore.

You can purchase as much as you want, we'll just weigh it out on the scales. It comes from end rolls of larger tape or short lengths of prestart waste, before a new roll gets going. So the length of the tape or pieces of tape can vary, perhaps from just a couple of feet to several metres. Some of it may be damaged and some may have creased edges but most of it could actually be used for recording and obviously there's many uses for props and art projects.

Priced per 25g, totally random pieces of tape

Código de producto: loosetape

Descuentos por cantidad

Puede ahorrar dinero con este producto si compra varios de una vez. La tabla a continuación muestra las cantidades mínimas necesarias para beneficiarse de esta oferta, y cuál es su coste.

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