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Howard Leight Smart Fit Ear Plugs


Lager Level: 5

Produkt Information

Honeywell Howard Leight Smart Fit Ear Plugs

  • SmartFit Corded Earplugs - Ears are like people – each is unique and different. That’s what makes SmartFit such a marvel of user-friendly design. The only reusable earplugs with Conforming Material Technology™, SmartFit uses body heat to adapt to the shape of the ear canal for a comfortable, personalized fit. With a detachable cord system, HearPack® carry case and special application styles available, it’s the ultra-smart choice for today’s diverse workplace.


  • Patented Conforming Material Technology™ uses body heat to adapt to the individual shape of each wearer’s ear canal
  • Delivers superior comfort and a truly individual fit
  • Simplifies inventory control – a single product fits most wearers
  • Detachable cord system and HearPack® storage case
  • SNR: 30, H - 32 M - 27  L - 23

Produkt Kode: HOWD51GR3


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