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Fender Concert Ear Plugs


Bestandsmenge: 31


Sold at cost trade price to promote hearing protection for our customers

1 x pair of Fender Concert Ear Plugs

Super soft foam, Comfortable and reusable.

Designed for concert/venue use.

Made in USA

Fender Concert series ear plugs protect your hearing during concerts, festivals and other high-volume events. Designed with a 32-decibel noise-reduction rating for maximum protection and noise attenuation, and super-soft disposable foam for a comfortable fit.

Hearing loss is a very serious issue, especially for musicians and music lovers, any long periods of loud sound can cause or begin hearing loss as well as tinnitus both of which may not just be temporary. This is an easy and inexpensive way to protect your eardrums!

Produkt-Code: earplugs


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