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Classic Clear Music Welded Cassette Tab In


Bestandsmenge: 19


Classic Music Cassette, please note the latest stock of this shell is slightly different to the picture, very slightly. 

During the 1980s and 1990s this became the industry standard cassette shell. All clear with a grey inner liner. Literally hundreds of millions of this model were produced and sold across the World

Here we have them available to load with brand new high grade music grade ferric tape. Choose the length from the drop down menu or select the nearest length and message the exact length.

 Welded housings with TABS IN. 

Please note that with recent cassette tape price increases there's a bigger than usual price jumps as the tape lengths you select get longer. If you can keep the running time down a little then the increase in price would be less.

Produkt-Code: classicclear001052


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