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C120 cassette tapes


(Mængderabatter tilgængelige)

Lager Level: 113

Produkt Information

Standard ferric cassette tape of a thinner base to allow winding 120 minutes into the shell. It may be possible to custom load these for a bespoke order, maybe C117 or C122 but as we have so little of the tape stock you'd need to make an inquiry with your requirements. The C120 advertised and ordered here would be 120 minutes (2 hours) total, 60 minutes (1 hour) recording and playback on each side AND NOT an extra generous C125 or C126 which a commercial brand like TDK or Sony would supply. Our C120 are C120 and therefore if they are played or recorded onto a cassette machine with a transport motor running very slightly fast or slow then our C120 may appear to be shorter/longer than 120 mins.

All clear cassette housing. Screwed with record tabs in place. No cases or inlay

C120 tape is thinner than standard tape and hot/cold temperatures should be avoided as well as any really important recordings as there is a risk of the tape snapping, stretching, twisting if handling and storage is not that well cared for.



Produkt Kode: C120 standard


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