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(Mengenrabatte verfügbar)

Hersteller: TAPELINE

Bestandsmenge: 50000


500+ COPY  CASSETTE DUPLICATION, you must select a minimum quantity of at least 500 when adding to basket.

Ideal for cassette duplication runs over 500 copies of the same program. 2 sided cassette tapes. 

Your tapes will be duplicated by our most convenient method, depending on various factors including your material, our workload, your delivery schedule etc. They may be high speed 'in cassette' or high speed digibin.

Music via we transfer is preferred, as 2 tracks - 1 for a side and 1 for b side - email to sales@tapeline.info 

Select the exact quantity you need and select a tape length as close as you think but don't worry we will make the cassettes to the exact length needed. You can also indicate the cassette shell colour from the drop down menu and message the colour you want, any fancy colours such as twin bi-colour shells, glitter shells and shells with a metallic inside liner attract an additional 15p cost and any special request/order shells an additional 50p, the special silver mirror shells for example. The tape used for copying inside the cassette shell will be quality Ferric Type1.

Library cases and packaging can be ordered from other catergories as well as any label or on body printing and sleeves etc. Please note that adding any printing to your duplication order could add some extra time to complete the job.





Produkt-Code: 500+BulkCopy


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