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Mixed shells for art projex x 100


(Mængderabatter tilgængelige)

5.0 gennemsnit, baseret på 1 anmeldelse

Lager Level: 1

Produkt Information

These cassettes are empty C-Zeros which have been wasted or rejected on our loading machine for one reason or another. Or possibly the odd one has just fallen on the floor or lost it's home. There is the odd one with tape loaded inside it but most are empty with just the short leader and in many cases that leader tape has been cut. They are all random and mixed colours and types. There may be a few which are screwed cassette shells and they may be useable for donor shells or repairs but we suggest these shells would probably be best suited for art projects and design work. Wall coatings, lamp shades, handbags, wedding invites, wheel trims, jewelry and so on...

One batch here will include 100 x random reject cassette shells

Please note we cannot supply any choice of colours etc, they will be a random mix.

Produkt Kode: mix100rejectC0


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MængdePris pr enhed


Gennemsnitlig Rating: 5

A great lucky draw and way to practice

Also for spares if you do this stuff a whole bunch. I bought a hundred of these, a mess of reject tape, and modeled and printed myself a splicing block to load some up. I've loaded a couple, and fixed many more, and some even had tunes on them. You might even find some rather rare formulations among these. (I got a lilac-colored one out of recycled plastic, and one in yellow and blue, for instance.) Long story short, this is a box full of adventure.

Pixie :: 26 Jul 2022, 13:17

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